Friday, August 23, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

last night, honey and i briefly discussed our somewhat outdated 70's humble home with it's obscurities and space challenges. of course, i mentioned the vision i have for several of the rooms. :) we talked about the previous owners and the choices that they had to make to build it for their family. size, location, layout. i laid there and thought to myself, "they didn't even know that while they laid the plans for their future, and built this house for their family, God had plans all along for this house to be mine. He was building it for swoop down in His mercy and rescue us from homelessness, one of our greatest times of need, and prove true His promises of provision for His own. even more, He was rescuing us from ourselves. the plan that WE had devised for our future fell through because of our rebellion. He pursued us and drew us back to Himself in His grace and mercy, because He loves us just that much." i cant even express to you how thrilling that humbling thought is to me! that our God would love us enough, even in our sinful wickedness and betrayal, to transform our lives and lavish upon us riches that we certainly do not deserve. this is our mercy house. i'm so glad that i can run down this driveway to our little piece of Heaven on earth. amen. where does He have you today? certainly right where He wants you, until He leads otherwise. :). #bloomwhereyouareplanted #boastintheLord #myheartspilledover #mercyhouse WHEN I'D FALLEN AND STRAYED, THERE WERE MERCIES ANEW || FOR YOU SOUGHT ME IN LOVE, AND MY HEART YOU PURSUED || IN THE FACE OF MY SIN, LORD YOU NEVER WITHDREW || SO I'LL SING OF YOUR MERCIES ANEW psalm 103:8