Friday, October 7, 2011

just because...

i love peeking in jack's room while he is reading for school.

i need to be reminded to have my hubby hang that mirror
more importantly...
i need to be reminded  of the {ten commandments} in that picture reflecting in the mirror.
pretty sure i messed that up.
a lot.

i am thankful for my small white pumpkins, my vintage stool, and old books.

hand picked bouquets from my boys make me smile.

simple is good for me right now.

i  really like old oil paintings of cows and horses.

i think it's amazing that we grew our very own hydrangeas this year.  
{God gives the increase}

cast off{garage sale} pots filled with moss are a simple, pretty decoration.

i need to remember to give thanks in everything.

even the days that i 
lose my temper
 the kids are crazy wild
 and i can barely stop for a breath.
forgive me, Lord, for not trusting in you and for trying to do things on my own.
lesson learned.

do you ever have days like that?
please tell me you do. :)
i hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
i'm going to try to keep my 'cool' today.
with His help.





  1. I don't have children, but I have 2 nephews that I am with ALOT and a husband, so.... I can definitely relate to trying to do things my way and losing my temper. I always feel so guilty and then start to condemn myself [obviously not from God]. I have to remember that His mercies are new every morning and that I can always go back and ask for forgiveness [which I don't do as often as I should].
    Thank you for you authenticity!

  2. Oh, do I EVER!! Today was a day like that, as a matter of fact. I do have to stop, take a big breath and pray when things get crazy at home.

  3. Oh yes - I have days like that often! So thankful that God loves us even in our worst moments. Love your beautiful photography!!


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